Reiki is a very simple self-improvement discipline and a harmonious combination of relaxation, meditation and healing. Among all the energy healing systems Reiki is the easiest and simplest, especially for self-healing. The practice involves placing hands in a few positions on the body for some time, altogether taking 15 minutes. .
There is a process known as attunement in each level of Reiki with increasing empowerment. The I degree Reiki enables the practitioner to treat oneself and the II Degree Reiki makes the practitioner to treat others even distantly. In the second level three symbols are used for various purposes like increasing power, dissolving mental problems and distant healing.
Dr. Rajasekharan who conducts the workshop is a direct disciple of Swami Satyananda, founder of Bihar School of Yoga. He is a renowned yoga professional, corporate trainer in stress management, Pranic healer and Reiki Master. He represents the whole of India’s cultural heritage.